I've been having the hardest time making my mind up lately! About anything! And I'm being really terrible about procrastinating with every little thing. I feel like these problems are linked in some way. Like I can't make a decision because I really don't want to have to do anything.

Procrastination. I still have yet to file my tax returns and I have only, what, three days left? My I.D. (don't drive) expired rendering me unable to buy alcohol or use my debit card in certain establishments. I knew this was happening a month before it expired and yet did nothing. Which is what I did last time it expired. I have issue with getting it renewed because I also need to do the name change on it, from when I got married two years ago! procrastination.... I know they only take check or money orders but I dont do checks and a money order is prepaid and I dont know the cost of renewing and doing a name change, etc so I keep letting it go. I was supposed to do that first thing this morning but it isn't happening and this was like the one day during the week when i might have had time to do it.
Indecision. I can't dress myself anymore. I used to just let instinct take over and lead me through the process but for the first time in my life I have to try on multiple things and I'm never happy with the result. Like in these pictures here where I kept changing the combination.

And I've even been indecisive about where to go on vacation in the fall. I wanted to go to Paris and Brussels but then my husband wasn't into Belgium and I thought September would be too cold for a London/Scotland trip because London was so chilly last year so then we finally came to terms with Paris and Barcelona. But then I couldn't get the time from work that I wanted and now I have to go late september into early october and I felt Paris might not be as enjoyable because i like to spend so much time outdoors. So then it was Barcelona and Naples, Italy because I thought it would be cool to see the isle of Capri and pompeii and it's more southern than Paris so it will be warmer. But then I read a lot about Naples not being so nice and I became paranoid that if it was too cold for beaches I wouldn't have anything else to do. So then we decided on Rome. SIGH!!!!!

Some variation of this outfit I would have worn on vacation to Capri, had I decided to go there!
outfit details: embroidered skirt (thrifted); white t shirt (american apparel); lavender ruffle flats (payless); peach jacket (vintage...came with a dress).
Do not choose Naples. It is dirty, overly crowded and there are much better places in Italy to visit.